Koh Lipe, Thailand

Koh Lipe, Thailand
Family vacation to Thailand 2015/2016

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


     Where's My Coffee?!!?

   Last night after we did our nightly routine of reading books, singing and praying I headed off to my bed with the baby in my arms. 
   Evie stops us and starts begging me to let Colleen sleep with her.
"I want Colleen to sleep with me! Please! I won't wake her up I promise! Please let Colleen sleep with me." I look over at Nubun then shrugged my shoulders. 
"Ok" I said. 
    So I did, but OF COURSE Mama comes with the package. I made pallets all over our living room floor and we all bunked down. (my queen size bed just ain't big enough!) 
  After an hour I look at the clock and sigh, all 3 girls were zonked out, but  I am wide awake, uncomfortable, spoiled to my Tempurpedic. I twist and turn, stuffing pillows here and there, trying to get comfortable. Nothing helped so I ignored the nagging guilt feeling I had in my throat and I sneak Coco and myself to my bed and immediately fall sweetly to sleep.
   About an hour later somebody comes bursting through the door, crying with a broken heart that we left them, alone, on the living room floor?
  I was nursing Colleen so Nubun gets up and and picks her up and lays her down on his side of the bed and he goes to sleep with the other one in the living room. 
  I thought it was Evie so I fell back to sleep only to be awaken with both girls in my bed wailing! 
  I look over and and Colleen had a foot in her face! 
  Then I squinted my eyes and that's when I notice it was Jasmine not Evie! Oh no! Jasmine is dangerous to sleep with! She's like a propeller! Going around and around all night long, that's just how she sleeps, well on one of her 'rounds' one of her feet land on the baby!  
  I scoop my 10 month old up in my arms and nurse her back to sleep and I love on Jasmine by playing with her hair and wiping the tears off her cheek. They both fell back to sleep and I quickly take Jasmine back to the pallet in the living room. Then I crawl back in my comfy warm bed, Coco had scooted herself towards my side looking for me so I had about 6 inches of space left to sleep with. I lay on my side, halfway hanging over the side of the bed, in the air. 
    I close my eyes. 
    An hour (or so) later I suddenly wake up and as I open my eyes I see Evie standing there, looking at me.
  "Mommy." she whispered "why did you come in here?"
 So I get up and put her in bed with me. At least she stays still while she sleeps. A few hours later Jasmine is back because I feel the bed move and I see a little bottom sticking up in the air at the foot of the bed.  So I get up and walk over to her and lean down close to her face to see if she was sleeping, she was so I left her alone and while stretching my mouth in the biggest yawn I walk  to the kitchen to get a drink of water and as I pass the living room floor I see a lonely dark figure sleeping across all 4 pallets. 
  I cover up my sweet husband and kiss his whisker-y cheek. 
    Whoever doubts that life with a quiver full of little kids isn't a daily adventure obviously needs to hang around my house for a couple of days, we RULE when it comes to adventure and drama!   (mainly drama of course ha)
  Excuse me now while I go drink my strawberry juice with a double dose of vitamin B, and a large cup of hot coffee, I hear somebody waking up now and I wonder what new adventures awaits us today? 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why Christians Should Never say the phrase: "Jesus Juke"

"  ...and thou shalt call his name JESUS: ..." Matthew 1:21b  The sweetest name I've ever known.
  The first time I heard the phrase is when I read it in a blog. I read it and re-read it in case I misunderstood the first time. Then I squirmed in my chair and got uncomfortable and it is because the Holy Spirit within me was telling me that something was wrong, and I knew exactly what it was.
  This phrase is popping up in the Internet world. And the gut wrenching sadness of it all is a supposedly Christian started it and it's the 'Christians' who are using it. This phrase can be said different ways.  (if you haven't heard of it yet you probably will soon)
I'll post a few.
  "I just Jesus juked you!" "So and so Jesus juked me." "You've been Jesus juked!". "That's what I call a Jesus juke."
  "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment." Matthew 12:36
  Even more so when that 'idle word' was HIS NAME!
  If we act like the name of Jesus Christ is fair game to joke around with--use in jest, or as a light hearted nick-named title rather than the name that should cause every knee to bend then we are desensitizing our Christian hearts.

  Essentially we are making the 'Christian' name look like a joke and we are discrediting the true salt of the earth -old fashioned, kind of Christian men and women who really do relate most everything in life with Jesus and for the furtherance of the Gospel.
  How can we lower our standards as a Christian community so much that we take the name of God in vain and beyond only being in vain, but as a way to leave Him out of a conversation by using His own name?
Let me explain.
  "Don't Jesus juke me!"
Most of us have heard it-- some  have even used that phrase. (not me!)
You are really saying Don't bring HIM into this conversation. He has nothing to do with it. 
  When we as Christians should actually talk and walk as if Jesus really was in our conversation and presence at all times, and as if He really did have something to do with every step we take in our lives, every thought that crosses our mind and every conversation that comes out of our mouth.
  God created you. Loved you. Died for you. He deserves more respect than careless mentions.
  Some may argue that the name of God is Jehovah, not Jesus, (bad argument) but what matters is WHO we are talking about. We can gossip about someone, talk bad about a friend without even mentioning their name. If who we are talking about is God then it doesn't matter which one of His titles we use we are still talking about the same One.
  "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;"
    Philippians 2:9
I truly believe that we are going to be held accountable for every single time we have said the name of God in our life, whether it be in vain, in jest, as a curse word, or in respect and honor and reverence.
If we can say or write the name of Jesus and not do it in respect and in fear then we need to search our hearts. Something is wrong. Have we already been given over to a reprobate mind? Have we gone so far that God has let our hearts grow cold to where we do not see the wrong in it?  If we can reference Him, and use His name so carelessly do we even  take God seriously?
  When you say the name of God. Talk about Him. Write about Him. Sing about Him. Think about Him--- do it only in respect and reverence. Never carelessly, in vain or light hearted. there are no excuses, explanations,  exceptions, or exemptions  it IS and ALWAYS will be wrong.
"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
Exodus 20:7