Koh Lipe, Thailand

Koh Lipe, Thailand
Family vacation to Thailand 2015/2016

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Heart job. Its what I Always Dreamed Of

                                                        Yes, another Mommy Post.
                                            It's what's happening in my neck of the woods.  
                                              Basically its just today's random thoughts.

    As my life has progressed I've thought of many 'dream' jobs I would have liked to have had. You know what I'm talking about, when you just sit around and daydream about useless stuff, when your mind wonders in and out of thoughts and back and forth like a bobble head wobbling around while riding in an old pick up truck.    
     Now I'm not an ambitious person, never have been, I just never cared about climbing up the corporate line, making an 8 digit figure or even being famous. I never even care about making supervisor at any of my out of home jobs. My ideas of life were way more simple than that.      
     When I was a kid I just wanted to stay with my Mom forever. No kidding! I loved my Mom and Dad, and at 12 years of age I told my Mom that I was going to live with her forever, that when I got married I would bring my husband to live with me.  
    As a teen I wanted to be an author like Louis L'Amour. I even started writing my own book it was called 'Determination of Steel' about a female spy in the Civil War. Pretty good if I might say so myself. (for a teen) (no kiddin!)
         At 25 I enjoyed planning my wedding so much that I dreamed about being a professional wedding planner, decorating churches, guiding little flower girls down the aisle and crying through the ceremonies.            Right after getting married, my new husband and I traveled a little, to Hawaii for our honeymoon, Mexico to visit my family, To Thailand to visit his family and to nearby  romantic bed and breakfasts. I decided I wanted to be a travel 'reviewer' (didn't even know the name) (still don't)   And travel to exotic places and write exciting articles about them!  honestly, how creative am I? Who wouldnt want to be paid to vacation?    
      At 28 for a while there as I was pregnant with Evie I wanted to be a professional food taster. (Since I couldn't eat anything that wouldn't come back up I was always hungry).  (this is still a nice dream to think about)   
    At 31 after  having a great experience with giving birth naturally I decided my dream job would be a doula, helping out new Mama's  and getting to attend their births. I still get all tingly inside thinking about this one!
    Now at 32 years of age, I think It would be nice to own a juice stand and drink, make and sell juice all day long. Not my most creative one... and I smile as I share this because I sound like a dork, and I know it. 
    And,  well ..... here I am. I relish in the simple things of life!    Although there is a little part of me that would LOVE to do any one of these 'dream' jobs maybe not the juice stand, pretty sure that would grow old pretty fast) The very best part about my life, what God has blessed me in the most (job wise) is that I actually get to do my 'heart' job.
    The job I have now is really where my heart is. I love being a Mom and wife, at home.  Oh my goodness, I just tear up thinking about it!   I am so blessed every day!  And my 'heart' job is so much better then all of my 'dream' jobs put together! Or actually... it just may be all my dream jobs put together.  Maybe some day when I have an empty nest....but I don't even want to think of that day. For now I just wish my kids would stay with me forever, that I can write about them everyday, I'll watch them dress up in white dresses, and a mosquito net Evie pretends is her wedding veil,  we'll travel down the sidewalk and pick exotic dandelions, I'll always taste their food before giving it to them to make sure it's not too salty, and I can't wait someday, if God allows, to attend the birth of my next baby, meantime I will enjoy making, drinking and giving my family my beet and apple juice. So I guess if you really thought about it my heart job is really all of my dream jobs  weaved together in the most precious way.     
    So if somebody asked me if I like what I do, well, my heart will swell up as I  say "It's what I always dreamed of!"  

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